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HEPDAK held an “Information Meeting” on February 26, 2025, with programs that applied to be accredited in the 2025-2026 period. 45 people attended the meeting. At the meeting, HEPDAK Board of Directors Chair Prof. Dr. Dilek ÖZMEN made a presentation on evaluation according to HEPDAK values, thematic analysis, HEPDAK expectations, points to consider in Self- Assessment Report (SAR) preparation, HEPDAK consultancy support in the accreditation process, HEPDAK evaluation process and HEMSİS. The meeting, where questions from institutions regarding the process were also answered, ended with good wishes from the participants.
HEPDAK held an online meeting with program managers visited for accreditation in the 2024-2025 period on February 19, 2025. 18 institution managers or representatives attended the meeting and exchanged views on standards and accreditation processes.
HEPDAK Board of Directors held an online evaluation meeting with the Team Presidents on January 07, 2025. 26 people attended the meeting, including HEPDAK board members, Standards Setting and Development Committee representatives and team leaders. At the meeting, the team leaders shared their experiences on institution evaluation visits and the evaluation process, especially the opinions, problems and suggestions regarding the use of the HEPDAK Standards-Based Grading (SBG) Tool, which was implemented for the first time in 2024.
In the XIV Webinar organized in cooperation with HEPDAK and HEMED on December 26, 2024, "How should value-based education in nursing be like? A critical look at current education programs and HUÇEP.” Prof. Hülya KAYA from Bezmialem University participated as a speaker in the webinar, which was moderated by Prof. Merdiye ŞENDİR from Hamidiye Faculty of Nursing, University of Health Sciences. 175 faculty members from various universities in Turkey participated in the webinar. Questions and contributions from the participants were also included in the webinar.
The XIIIth webinar held on December 18, 2024 with the HEPDAK - HEMED collaboration addressed the topic of "Nurse Managers Assessment of the Competencies of Nursing Undergraduate Program Graduates". The moderator of the webinar was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Havva Arslan Yürümezoğlu. The speakers of the webinar were; Hacettepe Adult Hospital Nursing Services Director Dr. Hümeyra ZENGİN, Anadolu Health Center Patient Care and Nursing Services Director Specialist Nursing Birsen CİVİL SUBAŞ, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Gastroenterology Clinic Responsible Nurse Dr. Gülfikar GULKAYA. 222 faculty members from different universities in Turkey attended the meeting. Guest speakers answered the questions and contributions of the participants in the webinar. The webinar ended with the well-wishes of the participants.
Organized in cooperation with HEMDEK, HEPDAK, and HEMED, the “Workshop on Applied Education in Nursing Programs” was held online on 26 November 2024. 179 nursing administrators and academicians attended the workshop hosted by the Istanbul University Faculty of Nursing.
The opening speeches of the workshop were made by HEMDEK President Prof. Merdiye Şendir, HEPDAK President Prof. Dilek Özmen, and HEMED President Assoc. Dr. Havva Arslan Yürümezoğlu. Following the opening speeches, Prof. Ayfer Aydın, Dean of Istanbul University Faculty of Nursing, made her speech on 'Sharing Applied Education Survey Results' and the session continued with 'Sharing Examples of Applied Education'. Assoc. Prof. Selda Arslan Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Nursing, Assoc. Prof. Esra Ardahan Akgül İzmir Katip Çelebi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Sonay Göktaş Health Sciences University Hamidiye Faculty of Nursing presented examples of applied education. The meeting ended with a session moderated by Prof. Merdiye Şendir, Prof. Ayfer Aydın, and Prof. Gülseren Kocaman, where the participants' questions were opened for discussion.
The fourth Nursing Undergraduate Program Managers Meeting organized by HEPDAK within the scope of stakeholder meetings, was held online on October 12, 2024. The meeting, attended by 114 managers/faculty members from undergraduate programs, began with an informative presentation by HEPDAK board chair Prof. Dr. Dilek ÖZMEN on HEPDAK activities, and continued with a presentation by Erciyes University Health Sciences Faculty Nursing Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Sultan TAŞÇI on “Leadership and Quality Assurance Culture”. The meeting ended with goodwill wishes after discussing the expectations of nursing undergraduate program managers from HEPDAK and answering participant questions.
The subject of the 12th webinar held on April 30, 2024 with the HEPDAK-HEMED collaboration was “Bridge to Access 21st Century Competencies: Extracurricular Learning”. Dr. Gülsüm ÇONOĞLU from Çankırı Karatekin University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing was the speaker of the webinar, which was moderated by Prof. Dr. Ayla KEÇECİ. From different universities in Turkey, 215 faculty members attended the meeting. The questions and contributions of the participants were included in the last part of the webinar. The webinar ended with the good wishes of the participants.
The fourth Nursing Undergraduate Program Managers Meeting organized by HEPDAK within the scope of stakeholder meetings, was held online on October 12, 2024. The meeting, attended by 114 managers/faculty members from undergraduate programs, began with an informative presentation by HEPDAK board chair Prof. Dr. Dilek ÖZMEN on HEPDAK activities, and continued with a presentation by Erciyes University Health Sciences Faculty Nursing Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Sultan TAŞÇI on “Leadership and Quality Assurance Culture”. The meeting ended with goodwill wishes after discussing the expectations of nursing undergraduate program managers from HEPDAK and answering participant questions.
HEPDAK activities are monitored by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK). The 2023 monitoring meeting was held on June 10, 2024 by YÖKAK Monitoring Officer Prof Hüseyin Kara. Dr. In the first session After meeting with the monitoring officer Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Kara, HEPDAK President Prof. Dr. Dilek ÖZMEN made a presentation about the HEPDAK activities carried out for 2023. In the next session, focus group discussions were held with stakeholders consisting of HEPDAK members, academic and student evaluators, representing the accreditation board and commissions
HEPDAK 2024 Student Evaluator Training was held online. On 08 June 2024, during the half-day training, the participants were given general information about the undergraduate program accreditation process, HEPDAK rubric evaluation process, HEPDAK visit process, and the participation of student evaluators in the evaluation process, and the importance of the behavioral dimension in the evaluation process was emphasized. Then, in eight different groups, question preparation, practical interviewing, and student evaluator report writing based on cases were carried out and discussed in a large group. Finally, an experience-sharing session was held with two student evaluators who had previously worked as evaluators. The program ended with the evaluation of the training. The training was attended by 48 students from 21 different accredited nursing programs in Turkey, 13 of which were refresher training.
As a result of HEPDAK Accreditation evaluations, a document presentation ceremony was held with the participation of Prof. Dilek ÖZMEN, the chairman of HEPDAK Board of Directors, to Tekirdağ Namik Kemal University Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department, which was accredited for the 2023-2024 period. Prof. Dilek ÖZMEN briefly gave information about HEPDAK at the presentation ceremony, mentioned the accreditation processes of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department, and then presented the “Accreditation Certificate” to Vice Rector Prof. Gülsüm ÖZKAN, Faculty of Health Sciences Dean V. Prof. Tülin YILDIZ, Nursing Department Head V. Prof. Arzu MALAK and the faculty members of the Department of Nursing. In addition, Student Cihan ŞEKER, Student Remziye AYDOĞDU, Student Aslı Çağla AKAMCA, and Student Emre KOŞAR, who were entitled to be HEPDAK student evaluators, were presented certificates of achievement by HEPDAK Chairman Prof. Dilek ÖZMEN and Faculty of Health Sciences Dean Prof. Tülin YILDIZ.
The topic of “Peer Mentoring in Nursing Education” was discussed in the XIth webinar held on April 30, 2024 in cooperation with HEPDAK-HEMED. Moderated by Assoc. Prof. Gülsüm Nihal ÇÜRÜK, the webinar was attended by Assoc. Prof. Emine ŞENYUVA from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Florance Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Dr. Lecturer Berna Nilgün ÖZGÜRSOY from Izmir Katip Çelebi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. Prof. Berna Nilgün ÖZGÜRSOY from Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing participated as a speaker. The meeting was attended by 198 academic staff from different universities in Turkey. In the last part of the webinar, questions and contributions of the participants were included. The webinar ended with the good wishes of the participants.
HEPDAK 2024 Evaluator Training was conducted online in three phases (2 half and one full day). On April 03, 2024, in the half-day preliminary meeting, the participants were given general information about the undergraduate program accreditation process, HEPDAK Rubric Evaluation Process and HEPDAK Visit Process, and then the training program, working groups, and principles, individual and teamwork were explained.
In the second phase, individual and teamwork were carried out between April 03-25, 2024 under the supervision of four team leaders. In the last phase on April 26-27, 2024, the training continued with small group discussions and large group presentations in online classes. The training ended with a general evaluation. The training was attended by 73 assessor candidates from 38 different nursing programs, including 30 new participants, and Prof. Özen DOĞAN ONUR, Chair of the DEPAD Accreditation Board, as an audience.
Following the online webinar “Problems Experienced in the Associate Professorship Evaluation Process” previously organized by HEMED and HEPDAK, a meeting was organized on April 1, 2024 for juries only upon requests from faculty members to organize a meeting to be attended by juries (currently serving or to be serving). The online meeting, moderated by Prof. Kadriye BULDUKOĞLU from Akdeniz University Faculty of Nursing and Prof. Ükke KARABACAK from Acıbadem University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, was attended by 142 faculty members from nursing programs of various universities.
Student-centered education practices were discussed in the Xth webinar organized in cooperation with HEPDAK and HEMED. In the webinar moderated by Prof. Fatma ORGUN from Ege University Faculty of Nursing, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Nursing faculty member Prof. Şeyda Seren Intepeler “Team-Based Learning”, Akdeniz University Faculty of Nursing faculty member Assoc. Prof. Serpil INCE “Brain-Based Learning” and Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Health Sciences Assist. Prof. Ebru BAYSAL, Faculty of Health Sciences, Manisa Celal Bayar University, participated as speakers with their topics titled “Escape Room” student-centered education practices. The meeting was attended by 321 academic staff from different universities in Turkey. Those who could not attend the meeting or those who want to watch it again can access the video of the webinar from the training tab on the HEPDAK page.
In the IXth of the webinars organized in cooperation with HEPDAK and HEMED, “Problems Experienced in the Associate Professorship Evaluation Process” was discussed. The speakers of the webinar moderated by Prof. Rukuye AYLAZ, Faculty of Nursing, Inonu University, were Prof. Ayda ÇELEBİOĞLU from Ataturk University, Prof. Hülya KAYA from Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Prof. Kadriye BULDUKOĞLU from Akdeniz University, Prof. Kafiye EROĞLU from Atlas University, Prof. Meryem YAVUZ VAN GIERSGBERGEN from Ege University, Prof. Sevgisun KAPUCU from Hacettepe University, Prof. Ükke KARABACAK from Acıbadem University, and Prof. Ülkü BAYKAL from Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. 441 faculty members from nursing programs at different universities in Turkey attended the meeting.
On February 27, 2024, HEPDAK held an “Information Meeting” with the programs that applied to be accredited in the 2024-2025 period. In the meeting attended by 41 applicants, the topics of evaluation according to HEPDAK values, thematic analysis, and HEPDAK expectations, things to be considered in the preparation of the SLR, HEPDAK support in the accreditation process, and HEPDAK evaluation process were discussed.
The XIIIth of the webinars organized in cooperation with HEPDAK and HEMED was held on the subject of “Evaluation of the educational performance of academicians”. The webinar was moderated by Prof. Gülseren KOCAMAN, in which Prof. Selen DOĞAN, faculty member of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, presented her speech titled “360 Degree Performance Evaluation Method” and Prof. Ayişe KARADAĞ, faculty member of Koç University Faculty of Nursing, presented her speech titled “A sample application for multiple evaluation”. The meeting was attended by nursing program lecturers from different universities in Turkey as well as representatives from ECZAKDER and EPDAB. The last part of the webinar, which was held with 291 participants, included questions and contributions of the participants. Those who were unable to attend the meeting or those who want to watch it again can access the video of the webinar from the training tab on the HEPDAK page.
Academics from higher education institutions and representatives from national accreditation organizations participated in the stakeholder meetings held by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) under the chairmanship of YÖKAK President Prof. Ümit Kocabıçak. Prof. Dilek Özmen, President of HEPDAK, and Prof. Gülseren Kocaman, President of HEAK participated in the second of the meetings held online in two sessions on 28 December 2023 and 04 January 2024. During the meeting, program accreditation practice in higher education was discussed and expectations from national accreditation bodies, promotion of program accreditation, problems experienced in accreditation processes, and solutions were discussed.